In the aftermath of the devastating destruction of the Kakhovska HPP Dam in Ukraine, countless dogs and cats find themselves trapped in the rising floodwaters. These innocent animals are in urgent need of our help. πΎπ’
Brave volunteers have taken to the water in boats, risking their own safety to rescue these frightened creatures. Many of these animals are terrified and unable to swim, making their rescue even more critical. Moreover, the floodwaters are not just treacherous but also harbor floating mines.
We, the team at SobakenPets, are dedicated to making a difference. As a Ukrainian-based company, we are deeply committed to helping these innocent lives in crisis. We are actively raising funds to support the evacuation efforts for these stranded animals.
Your generous donations can provide the necessary resources, including boats, supplies, and veterinary care, to ensure the safe rescue and relocation of these vulnerable animals. Every contribution, no matter how small, can make a significant impact on their lives. ππΎ
Please join us in this critical mission by donating today. We will account for every dollar spent on our Instagram page:
Here are the USD account details to donate:
Account holder: MS VIRTUOSA INC
ACH and Wire routing number: 084009519
Account number: 9600010320760745
Account type: Checking
Wise’s address: 30 W. 26th Street, Sixth Floor
New York NY 10010
United States